Trevor Hayley

Funeral and Life Memorial Celebrant / Adelaide Memorials Online
Celebrant background: What do you, and your family, really desire when the life of your loved one has come to an end?
You want to be able to celebrate the life, and to have space to remember why they were, and still are, important to you.
You need the sensitivity, empathy and presence of funeral and memorial professionals who have the expertise and experience to walk with you.

Adelaide Life Memorial Celebrant, Trevor Hayley, has joined Funeral Director, Deanne Edwards, and a local production company, to launch Adelaide Memorials Online.

At the very core of our business, is the care for you and your family, at what can be a very difficult time. Your wishes for the celebration of life of your loved one will be respected, as together we plan a fitting memorial for your loved one.

Although attendance at Funeral and Memorial Services is currently limited, we want to provide the ability for all who knew the person to celebrate their life. We have a secure platform from which services can be pre-recorded or live streamed, meaning we can cater for a blend of physical attendees, and those viewing online, whether interstate or overseas. We will be able to adapt our service to you, whatever the restrictions may be now and in the future

Services can be in any location of your choice whether this is the graveside, family home, local club, or any venue, indoors or outdoors. Services can be customised to ensure your wishes are respected.

When the time arises, and there has been a death, and you need to make arrangements, please call us on 0428 766 580 or 0409 107 372, 24/7, and we will guide you through the process. You can be assured you loved one will be transferred into our care with respect, as if they were our own, and will be prepared for cremation with meticulous care. If you require an additional viewing, this can be arranged. We want families to feel like they are in control.

We truly believe a sincere, warm and personalised memorial for you and your family is still possible. Our core value is care, compassion, and presence for grieving families. Providing a memorial service is an important part of your grief journey. Having an online service, and also the ability for you to attend up to current restrictions, means this important journey can continue.

Adelaide Memorials Online can provide complete care, in your most difficult time, and to plan a celebration of life for your loved one, with you and your family.

Why I'm a celebrant: When a life ends, with all of the hopes, aspirations, memories and the legacy they have left, this life needs to be celebrated. At the same time, families also need sensitivity, care, presence and compassion in what is a difficult time. They have entered the world of grief, which will be critical to their long term well-being.

Celebrants are privileged to enter into the lives of families at this time, and together to plan a fitting memorial for their loved one. What a privilege it is to not only share in this time, but to also bring warmth and sensitivity, and celebration as the family remembers.
Treasured memories: I was fortunate to be brought up in a loving home. So many memories:

- Going to the annual Adelaide Christmas Pageant, and the snacks afterwards
- Mum singing in a choir at Christmas time
- Mum passing on her love of music to me.
- The Hayley family Christmas lunch, my Grandparents and extended family
- The family holidays
- 'Tuppence' our family pet cat of 17 years
- Times with Dad, hockey, scouts, Peterborough weekend
- Our wonderful local community, the cricket games and the 'big tree.'

Tips : What is the difference between a funeral and memorial?

In a funeral, the coffin is present, with the deceased inside. Given the time sensitivity, funerals will usually happen within two weeks of death and after, the funeral the body will go to burial or cremation. With a memorial service, whether there has already been cremation, or the body has been unrecovered, there will be a ceremony where memories will be shared. There is not the time sensitivity of funerals, with more time to think of the most fitting memorial.

Eulogies can be scary. Can you help me?

Yes, they are one of those moments. Although public speaking is not enjoyed by all who try, funerals and memorials do provide a wonderful opportunity to tell the story. But’s lets take the pressure off a little. I will always encourage the family to write the eulogy. but then leave it open on the day, whether a family member deliver it or not. If you decide at the last minute you can’t deliver the eulogy, I will be able to deliver it for you. Alternatively, if you decide you can on the day, just step in.
and I'd like to say: Being present, my core value………………………..

People have a desire to be truly heard, to be able to tell their own unique story, and to be understood. To be able to connect with someone, giving my undivided attention, and to listen ‘inwardly’ to the nuance that makes each person unique is the best gift I can bring. You are more than a client; you are a fellow traveler in life.

Adelaide Memorials Online / Life Memorial Celebrant
Areas serviced: Adelaide City, suburbs and surrounding regions
Celebrant Town/ Suburb: Seaview Downs
State: South Australia
Phone: 0409 107 372