Dannielle Williams

Celebrations by Dannielle
Celebrant background: My Celebrant life began around 8 years ago in the funeral sector. I completed my Statement of Attainment and began working with our local home.
Originally a hairdresser, my love of people and their stories has served me well and I have found the role to be my "thing".
More recently I have recently, I have completed my Certificate 4 in Celebrancy and am now a Registered Marriage Celebrant - a role that I am loving. I am looking forward to many more days of joy with my couples as they embark on their life together.
Why I'm a celebrant: I love people. I love to hear and convey their stories, to construct ceremonies for the most special days we have in our lives from those stories.
I love to be there when people give their lives to each other, celebrate new life and name their babies and to be able to assist in honouring those we have loved the most is the most incredible privilege and joy.
I would do it every day in one form or another if I could!!
Treasured memories: Soooo many beautiful memories, some joyful, some poignant all with their own individual stories.
While it is early in my Marriage road, my first wedding- that of a beautiful girl and her handsome man, a girl who I had worked with for many years and watched grow from a 12 year old girl to a confident and gorgeous woman with it all worked out, married on their farm with just their close family and friends was so beautiful and such an honour.
and I'd like to say: That it all happens in your own time.
Every wedding (and I have seen lots over 38 years as a hairdresser prior to my celebrant days) is the product of the couples life until then. Every couple have a personal way they want to celebrate each other and their togetherness - I love to work with them and create that perfect moment in time that is their wedding.
Areas serviced: Southern QLD and Northern NSW
Celebrant Town/ Suburb: Tenterfield
State: New South Wales
Phone: 0439663095
Located in: NSW | QLD